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Goldberg Machine

Have you ever seen a Rube Goldberg in action? If you've watched today's video, then you know what we're talking about.

If you haven't watched the video yet, follow this link to see. The self-operating napkin is a famous that sums up what Rube Goldberg machines are all about: creating a (or or or device or ) that uses a to a in a very manner. For example, the self-operating napkin accomplishes the of wiping the chin through this of events: lifting a soup spoon (A) pulls a string (B) that jerks a ladle (C) that then throws a cracker (D) past a parrot (E). When the parrot jumps for the cracker, its perch (F) tilts and drops seeds (G) into a pail (H).

The extra weight in the pail pulls a cord (I) that opens and lights an automatic cigar lighter (J), which sets off a rocket (K) that causes a sickle (L) to cut a string (M) that allows a pendulum with a napkin attached to it to swing back and forth to wipe the chin. Did you follow that of events? Why on Earth would someone invent such a to such a? To answer that question, we must take a closer look at the man who first dreamed up these contraptions: Rube Goldberg. Reuben Lucius “Rube' Goldberg was born on July 4, 1883, in San Francisco, California. As a teen, he loved to and received some basic art instruction when he worked with a sign painter.

Rather than pursue a career in art, though, he followed his father's advice and attended the University of California at Berkeley, where he earned his degree in engineering. Mapping out sewer pipes and water mains in San Francisco didn't hold Rube's interest for long, though. He began creating for local San Francisco papers before moving to New York, where he eventually landed a job as a cartoonist for the Evening Mail.

Goldberg Machine Video

He used his engineering background to create funny cartoons featuring machines that were described as new inventions to easy, straightforward tasks through a of steps involving chain reactions. The public quickly fell in love with Rube's “inventions.' His work became popular nationwide, as his cartoons were syndicated in hundreds of newspapers across the country. The art world also loved his works, some of which could soon be found displayed in the of Modern Art in New York City. Rube eventually even made it to, where his movie script “Soup to Nuts' introduced a trio who would soon become famous as the Three Stooges.

In 1931, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary added “Rube Goldberg' as an adjective that meant “accomplishing by means what seemingly could be done simply.' For Rube, his inventions were a way of seeing the humor in everyday situations, and he loved that his work made people laugh. He once described his inventions as a “symbol of man's capacity for exerting maximum effort to minimal results.'

Over time, Rube's inventions leapt off the pages and became real-life working machines, built purely for the joy of engineering and watching science in action. Rube's work has inspired millions to build their own machines that use chain reactions to any number of, tasks. Today, Rube's work lives on in the form of annual Rube Goldberg contests.

In 1987, the Phi Chapter of Theta Tau, a national engineering fraternity, at Purdue University in Indiana started the annual National Rube Goldberg Contest. Each year, groups compete to make the most elaborate, creative contraptions. How do they get? For example, a Purdue University team once won the competition with a that turned on a flashlight via a 125- process that included a toy rocket, a simulated meteor, and a mock fire!

Goldberg MachineGoldberg

Try It Out We hope you had fun learning all about Rube Goldberg machines today. Put some of what you learned into action by checking out one or more of the following activities with some friends and family members:. Dive a little deeper into the history of by watching this video that explores the man behind the machines. Learning a bit more about his history will help you appreciate how today's complicated devices and contraptions came to be!. Ready to try to make your own homemade Rube Goldberg machine? Jump online and check out.

There you'll find all sorts of ideas to help you get started. Choose a simple task, and then brainstorm for creative and complicated ways to accomplish that task.

Make sure to document your efforts. Upload a video of your finished project for the whole world to see!. Up for a challenge? If you have a smartphone or a tablet, you can purchase and download the app.

Rube Works is a fun game that challenges you to build your very own virtual Rube Goldberg machines. How complicated can you make the simplest tasks? Put yourself to the test!